I lead with compassion by understanding, coaching, and empowering others to do and be their best.

People are at the center of my ethos because people (customers, team members, partners, and others) shape experiences and outcomes. By cross-functional collaboration, I work to inspire others through vision setting, leading by example, and frequent communication, founded upon my principles of being candid yet kind and operating transparently.

Values ↓

Support People

Build a space where candor, discussion, debate, and positive relationships can flourish.

Empower, & Advocate
Provide individuals latitude through clear communication, honest feedback, and opportunity for growth and leadership.

Skill Development
Encourage continuous learning, and match opportunities with interests.

Vibes (Culture)
Champion team values, create psychologically safe environment where team members can be open.

Shape Process

Customer Driven
Leverage research, and design thinking methods to inform business strategies.

Healthy setting
Create a space for rigorous exploration of ideas, constructive feedback, discussion, and frequent delivery.

Provide healthy points for check-ins, alignment, celebrations, and team bonding.

Provide foundational systems that enables more autonomy, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Elevate Craft

Index on Quality
Shape design practice through feedback, alignment, clear expectations, and up-leveling.

Provide Context
Operate transparently by sharing necessary information to enable teams to execute with full understanding of goals.

Measure outcomes
Keep design team accountable by creating feedback loops that inform on business impact, & ROI.

Improve team dynamics through retrospective exercises, and rebalance to improve performance.

Champion Design

Nurture Design Org Wide
Work across the organization to encourage design thinking and inclusion for stronger outcomes.

Encourage cross-functional(XFN) collaboration that brings different ideas, and perspectives to the table.

Tie brand, business, and product needs with design initiatives to help shape strategy.

Provide north-star that provide clarity, gets buy-in, and motivates action towards vision.